GDP Language

In addition to the language courses offered by the university’s Center for Language Education, GDP offers academic English and academic Japanese courses specifically tailored to the needs of our students.

Academic English

English for Academic Purposes (EAP) is an advanced type of English curriculum that helps students build academic skills in English. The goal of the EAP classes is to prepare students to be successful in GDP content courses. EAP classes build English skills that focus on improving reading and comprehension of advanced texts, improving writing to express advanced academic opinions, improving speaking to participate in class discussions, and improving listening to understand important information in lectures.

Sample Courses: Introduction to the Use of English, Intermediate English at University, English Seminar, Applied Language Skills for Discovery Students, Advanced English Skills for Discovery Students


Academic Japanese

Center for Language Education offers Japanese courses ranging from beginner’s level to advanced level, and are available to all students who wish to take them.

GDP students who plan to take courses offered in Japanese by other faculties/departments or to find employment in Japan can also take Academic Japanese and Career Japanese courses offered within GDP.

Sample Courses: Academic Japanese, Career Japanese, Academic Reading, Critical Thinking in Japanese, Language and Language Learning (taught in Japanese)