Social Innovation and Entrepreneurship

Management Economics Philanthropic Studies

The world we live in today faces diverse issues – poverty, unemployment, discrimination, environmental degradation and many more. Individuals, groups, and organizations strive to address these issues using innovative solutions at the local or global level. This cluster will prepare students for careers as innovative, reflective leaders in nonprofits, social enterprises, and businesses. The curriculum covers management, economics, public policy, and philanthropy. Hands-on training and internship opportunities will play important roles in this cluster. The Social Innovation and Entrepreneurship cluster consists of three areas: (1) Management, (2) Economics, and (3) Nonprofit Management and Social Entrepreneurship.


Courses introduce the tools and principles to improve and enhance management skills, expertise, and knowledge that facilitate career advancement.

Sample Courses: Topics in Management I, Topics in Management II, … Topics in Management X. This series of courses covers a wide array of subjects related to organizational behavior and human resources management, including individual differences, talent management, and leadership.



Courses provide students with a foundation in economics to work for a business, government, or nonprofit organization. In addition to basic economics, such as microeconomics and macroeconomics, students explore poverty, inequality, and development from different perspectives.

Sample Courses: Microeconomics, Macroeconomics, Japanese Economy, International Economics, Development Economics, Introduction to Feminist Economics.


Philanthropic Studies

Courses provide students with opportunities to learn how to change society for the better as visionary leaders or social entrepreneurs. Students explore the social, political, and economic roles of nonprofit organizations and social enterprises. In addition, students learn professional and management skills through hands-on group projects, step-by-step exercises, and an interdisciplinary approach.

Sample Courses: Philanthropy and Nonprofit Organizations, Nonprofit Management and Social Entrepreneurship, Global Philanthropy and Comparative Nonprofit Sectors, Nonprofit Management and Social Entrepreneurship Practicum.